Hi Everyone!

We appreciate you and thank you for your love and care, both for our family and for Gospel Projects International. Here in Moses Lake, the snow and ice have mostly melted and spring is finally on the way. This month, we have a longer-than-usual missions update. Over the past few weeks, we experienced a challenging situation with our family; but we also have had some exciting progress for GPI. By God’s grace, we are happy to share a good report of God’s provision and protection during a tough month.


Last month our son Trevor had a severe case of pneumonia (caused by a body-wide strep infection) as well as RSV and Corona virus. These viruses and infections suddenly made Trevor dangerously sick and he was having a hard time breathing. We took him into the Moses Lake hospital and he was quickly transferred to Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane (located about 100 miles away). In the ICU at the children’s hospital, doctors performed an emergency procedure to drain nearly one liter of fluid from Trevor’s chest and they put him on a ventilator.

Trevor was sedated and on a breathing ventilator for about 12 days, which were some of the toughest days we have ever experienced. At times, Trevor was not doing well and it seemed we might lose him. There were ups and downs, but Trevor finally recovered (which we attribute to God’s grace and many fervent prayers). After being at the hospital for 16 long days, he was finally released. We are now writing this letter from the comfort of our home. Trevor is taking his afternoon nap and all is well. We are so thankful for God’s healing and for giving the doctors and nurses wisdom. Times like these makes us realize how fragile and short life is. More than ever, we want to make the most of every day.


Last month you received a GPI letter from Daniel and Anna-Louise (Josh’s brother and our sister-in-law). As mentioned in this update, Daniel and Anna-Louise recently joined the GPI team and will be helping us with some of the day-to-day operations of GPI. Daniel and Anna-Louise are a great couple with a sincere heart for the lost and we are so happy they are willing to partner with us to reach more people for Christ.

As many of you know, Josh works a full-time job in construction management and Anna is very busy caring for our three little children. Often, much of the GPI missions work gets pushed back to nights and weekends. Our vision has always been for the ministry to grow; however, it seems that all of our available ministry time has been spent in day-to-day GPI administrative work so we have not had time or energy to put the necessary effort needed to expand the ministry. So, with this in mind, earlier this year, we made a few changes.

We (Josh and Anna) are now directing GPI on a solely volunteer basis. Over the past few years we have been receiving some part-time pay (usually $700-$900 per month) for our GPI work. We are now going to stop receiving these personal wages and we will use that same money to hire Daniel and Anna-Louise on a part-time basis along with having more available for marketing, printing, or other expenses associated with growing GPI. By making these changes we will be able to focus our energy on expanding GPI’s outreach and ultimately helping more people in need.


Our goal is for GPI to grow so we can help more orphan children and help reach more people with The Gospel. We want to help make a difference by helping to connect people with missions projects around the world. We are so thankful for all that God has done through GPI in India over the years, but we want to continue to reach even more people for Jesus Christ.

This is why we are so excited about the new children’s home we are starting in Nepal. We basically want to duplicate the ministry base we have in India and expand GPI’s influence to Nepal by caring for orphans, providing an international Bible school, and by partnering with national ministers to reach rural villages and cities for Christ. The next step in establishing this missions-base in Nepal is getting the children’s home started and beginning to care for children. This exciting project is a joint effort project with Harvest Ministry and Reach Himalaya Ministry.

After a very long process of applying for permits and getting government permissions, we finally received permission from the local government in Nepal for the children’s home. Already (by working with national ministers in Nepal) we have purchased land, built up the soil (so it is no longer a wet rice-field), and constructed a perimeter fence. We have made good progress, but we still have a long ways to go before we can start caring for the kids. Currently, we are in the process of raising about $50,000 to complete the building project (shown below), as well as finding people willing to commit to monthly orphan sponsorship for the children we are going to care for. With God, and by working together, we can make it happen!


Our current focus is raising mission support for launching the new children’s home in Nepal, with a specific goal to begin caring for the children before the end of the year. We are so thankful for every dollar that is given to GPI and we are committed to using these missions donations in the most efficient and effective ways possible. We also realize that most of you who are receiving this newsletter are already giving so generously and that many of you may not able to increase your support. We don’t want to put any pressure on you to give more than you can, but we would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word about this new children’s home in Nepal and about GPI.

A personal recommendation is the most effective way to get other people to connect with the vision of GPI and we would love your help in telling others about the ministry. You can help by telling your friends and family about what GPI is doing, by sharing GPI’s posts on social media, or by asking your local pastor or church leaders if they would like to learn more. Included in this letter is a copy of a new booklet to help share the vision for GPI. We encourage you to read it and then pass it along to someone you know who may be interested in helping with the work or in partnering to launch this children’s home in Nepal. We can also send you additional booklets, so just let us know if you would like more copies. You can also refer people to our website at www.gospelprojects.org.

PDF Booklet


We are so thankful for all your prayers and support for GPI over the years and we are excited to see what God has planned for the future. Also, we are happy to report that the Jesus Film equipment project shared about last month has been fully sponsored and will soon be used to help share the Gospel in rural villages in the Himalayan Mountains. Thanks so much to everyone who helped sponsor this project!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. We greatly appreciate your prayers and friendship.
Yours in Christ,

Josh and Anna (and Katie, Trevor, and Ellie)